Tartar Tech
My Thesis A few years ago, I finished my PhD. Unfortunately, my thesis wasn’t publicly available due to it’s commercial sensitivity. But now, it’s free for Aug 29, 2024 Writing & PHD & kiwifruit & neural networks & SLAM
My Thesis Aug 29, 2024 Writing & PHD & kiwifruit & neural networks & SLAM A few years ago, I finished my PhD. Unfortunately, my thesis wasn’t publicly available due to it’s commercial sensitivity. But now, it’s free for Jibbirdz - New Zealand Native Bird Shoe Charms Jun 26, 2023 3d printing & business About a year ago, I wrote a post about what I’d learned from trying to sell 3D printed lamps. Armed with those leanings, I’m making my second 3D Printing Around The House Jun 9, 2023 3d printing Two of the common misconecptions I hear about 3D printing are; that it is only good for making useless trinkets, and that it’s inaccessible IMU Case Mar 17, 2023 3d printing & IMU I am doing some work with a data logging IMU (OpenLog Artemis from Sparkfun) and I wanted to protect it from getting damaged. Naturally, I designed Ifixit Manta Case Aug 17, 2022 3d printing & CAD I have an Ifixit Manta screwdriver set. It’s great. It has every bit I need. But the case it comes with sucks. The lid is held on with magnets so it Sunbeam Dehydrator Filament Dryer Mod Aug 17, 2022 3d printing & CAD Continuing from my last post about the issues with wet filament, I wanted to be able to dry out my filament. We have a Sunbeam food dehydrator that Filament Dry Box Aug 2, 2022 3d printing & CAD It’s been really wet where I live recently and the quality of my printing has suffered. I print a lot of PETG and it is quite hygroscopic (absorbs Business Card Holder Aug 2, 2022 3d printing & CAD My partner asked me to make a holder to protect her business cards from damage while in her handbag. Of cource I 3D printed one. It’s a two part 3D Printed Trowel Jul 19, 2022 3d printing & CAD & outdoors I do a lot of activities out in the wilderness. From time to time there are situations where I need to dig a small hole. Usually I have to use a Printable Mesh Sieve Set Jul 14, 2022 3d printing & CAD & OpenSCAD For an upcoming project I need a set of meshs. I looked at buying one, but couldn’t see anything that suited my needs and was cheap. So of course, I Camera Lens Cap Jul 14, 2022 3d printing & CAD On a recent trip I lost the lens cap for my camera. When I got home, I looked for a printable lens cap model, found on that looked ok and printed Lampshade Adventures Jul 11, 2022 3d printing & Lampshades & OpenSCAD & Selling & Learning A little while ago I went on a bit of a lampshade buzz. I designed and 3D printed a bunch of them and had a lot of fun. Then I tried to sell some My Journaling Journey Jul 10, 2022 journaling & self-reflection I’ve been journaling everyday for three years now. My journal is by far the largest document I’ve written. At over 230,000 words it’s many times the Fixing Sunglasses with 3D Printing Aug 29, 2021 3d printing & CAD My partners Dad broke his favorite sunglasses. He asked me if I’d try to fix them for him. I’m always keen for a challenge, so I gave it a go. Dodecahedron Lampshade Jan 13, 2021 3d printing & Lampshade & CAD & Video It’s been a long time since I’ve put something up here. This time it’s a lampshade that I designed and 3D printed. It’s a dodecahedron (12 Rugby World Cup Trophy Nov 16, 2019 3d printing & Trophy & CAD & Video We ran a competition at work around the Rugby World Cup in Japan. So I made a trophy for the winner and filmed a video about it New And Improved Headphone Holder Nov 16, 2019 3d printing & Headphones & CAD & Video I made a new version of the headphone holder I wrote about here. It’s an improved design that doesn’t rely on springs. Here is a video about it Gingerbread Man Cutter Oct 27, 2019 3d printing & CAD & Video & Baking I had to make some gingerbread men, but I didn’t have a cookie cutter for it. So obviously, I 3D printed one. Here is a video Fixing My Chalk Bag Sep 28, 2019 3d printing & CAD & Rock climbing & Video I bought a chalk bag second hand. The little clip that is used to close the bag was broken. So I 3D printed a new one. Here is a video: Worked 3D Printed Hangboard Sep 28, 2019 3d printing & Rock climbing & CAD & Video I’ve been getting into rock climbing recently. I wanted to strengthen my fingers and arms so I can stop being so bad at it. So I made a hangboard.
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