On a recent trip I lost the lens cap for my camera. When I got home, I looked for a printable lens cap model, found on that looked ok and printed it. Turned out it was poorly designed and doesn’t really fit onto a camera as it didn’t have a recess for the outermost lens glass. So I designed my own.
It took a few prototypes to get the design right, and it’s still not 100% perfect. But it’s on my camera now and works well.
The lens cap is printed in 3 parts. A main body, the clips and the cover. The clips have a spring built into them. The clip then slides into the body and the cover is glued on top. I’d like to redo the design so the body and clips print as one piece. It’s possible, but hard to get the tolerances right so the clips and slide in and out easily without binding.
Printable files and design files can be found on Printables.