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Tartar Tech
3D Printed YouTube Trophy Sep 8, 2019 3d printing & Trophy & CAD & Video I’ve been running a new round of Know Your Coworkers at work. This time I changed it up. Instead of two truths and a lie about a person, we had a Custom Coasters Aug 25, 2019 3d printing & CAD & Video I made a set of coasters as a house warming present for my brother and his partner. Here is a video about them. They were really happy with them, as Animated Lithophane May 21, 2019 3d printing & CAD & Video I was 3d printing some lithophanes and was showing a friend. He said, “What if it was animated?”. I though about it for a moment before coming to 3D Printed Key Apr 13, 2019 3d printing & CAD & Video I 3D printed my house key. It worked and was surprisingly easy. Took about an hour even with setting up the camera to film it all. I’m pretty happy Moustache Trophy Mar 9, 2019 3d printing & Trophy & CAD & Video I ran a moustache competition at work and wanted to make a trophy for the winner. Here is a video showing how I made it. Solidworks design files and Headphone Holder Mar 9, 2019 3d printing & Headphones & CAD I designed and 3d printed a headphone holder. It clips on to the side of my desk and holds my headphones. It’s not really all that exciting, or Christmas Entertainment 2018 Mar 9, 2019 3d printing & CAD & Video & Puzzles & Christmas After the sucess of the entertainment I orgainised for my family for Christmas 2017, I was put in charge of doing something again. I made a puzzle A 3D Printed Pool Cleaner Nov 2, 2018 3d printing & CAD A friend of mine from work got a pool cleaner to clean her fish pond. She said it worked quite well but there we’re a few things she didn’t like Lights For My 3D Printer Oct 28, 2018 3d printing & CAD Recently I got a Prusa i3 mk3 3D printer. It’s been a blast so far. The one issue I’ve had with it so far is not so much with the printer but with Brass Medal and Treasure Hunt for Mark Oct 25, 2018 3d printing & Trophy & CAD & Machining A friend, Mark Jones, who I had worked with for a few years decided to move to Japan. I wanted to commemorate the work we had done and good times Trophies For A Workplace Competition Oct 25, 2018 3d printing & Trophy & CAD For a little while I’ve been running daily surveys at my workplace. Each day there was a new survey that people could participate in while they ate Paper Map May 23, 2018 Software & Learning I have to read a bunch of papers (journal articles) and do a full literature review as part of my PhD (I probably should have done it already in Macro Photography May 23, 2018 Photography I recently got a set of macro tube extensions for my camera (Sony A6000). I took them outside and got a bunch of cool shots. I really like the crazy Keycap Models May 23, 2018 Keycaps & Keyboard As part of a larger project, I needed some high quality models of keycaps. I couldn’t find any that were of a decent quality, had a licence I could Adventures in Anodising Aluminium Jan 23, 2018 Anodising Over the past few weeks I’ve been attempting to anodise aluminium. I’d watched a few videos on YouTube of people doing it successfully and thought I Cool Things I Saw on my Trip Down South Jan 14, 2018 Electric vehicles & Science & Travel I recently got back from a two week trip around the South Island (of New Zealand). I got to spend some time in Christchurch, Oamaru, Dunedin, Christmas Day Treasure Hunt 2017 Jan 11, 2018 Puzzles & Treasure hunt & Christmas I was put in charge of entertainment for our family Christmas. So I decided that I’d make my family complete a treasure hunt in order to find their